Fish oil is probably one of the most common supplements in a bodybuilders’ stacks, because of its wide range of benefits and its relatively low cost. The benefits of taking fish oil number in the dozens, but in this article we will cover just the 10 most important reasons why you should add fish oil to your diet today.
1. It’s cheap, very cheap.
If you are taking the recommended amount of fish oil a day (2 grams), then a 100 capsules bottle will last you 50 days, and set you back just 6 bucks. Even if some of the claimed benefits are not scientifically proven, the price alone should be reason enough to give it a try.
2. Reduces the chance of cardiovascular disease
You should guard your heart with your life, because as soon as it stops ticking you’ll be done. Fish oil does a great job at this, in fact this could be one of the greatest benefits of taking fish oil. For proof compare the amount of heart related diseases in countries with diets rich in fish like Japan and Korea to countries like the United States, and you will find a stark difference.
3. Alleviates Depression
Studies have shown that fish oil is actually a very effective way of treating various symptoms of depression. It won’t completely cure your depression, but it will certainly help alleviate some of the problems.
4. Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair
While having the best skin and hair may not be the highest priority for most bodybuilders, it is just yet another one of the benefits of taking fish oil. It also commonly used to help fight acne.
5. Helps Promote Focus
Studies have shown that supplementing with fish oil significantly increases your neurological function. While the science behind this may be out of the scope of this article, the reasoning behind it is solid.
6. Prevents Sore Joints
After numerous years of lifting heavy weights, it isn’t uncommon for bodybuilders to complain of aching joints, and this supplement is often the number one cure for this problem. In fact, fish oil is often used when people are prescribed Accutane, a strong drug that fights acne, but also dries your skin and joints.
7. Lowers Cholesterol
Believe it or not, you can now keep your cholesterol in check just by taking two of these little capsules of wonder a day. The American Heart Association has conducted research that backs this claim up, and it can be found on their website.
8. No more fish burps
It wasn’t long ago that having to put up with the fishy burps was a small sacrifice you had to make when taking fish oil. But now, quite a few companies have designed their gel capsules in a way that prevents these unpleasant burps, which makes taking your fish oil nice and painless.
There are many more benefits of taking fish oil that you can research online, but the benefits we have listed here should be reason enough to add fish oil to your diet. Taking it is easy; just add one 1,000 mg capsule to your breakfast, and take another of the same size before bed. And for a complete supplement stack, consider using some of the best bodybuilding supplementscurrently available.
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