Sunday, January 8, 2012

4 Ways a Bodybuilder Can Save Money

Let’s face it, not only does having an extremely strict diet test your willpower to not cheat, but it also tests your bank account. Buying clean for when you’re bulking, in the quantities that you need, can add up quickly. As a result, many people who are just starting out the bodybuilding lifestyle are often overwhelmed when they realize how much they are spending; and it’s no surprise either, between food, best bodybuilding supplements, a gym membership and other things, the prices can become rather high, rather quickly. But from now on, you shouldn’t need to worry about spending too much on the bodybuilding lifestyle, because we will go over four ways that will help save you money without hurting your gains in the gym.

Buy in Bulk

This one should be obvious; most people are eating huge amounts of food anyways, so there is no point in spending lots of money when you know you will just be buying more. A membership at Costco or Sam’s does actually cost money, but all it takes is a few trips a year to make sure that you break even. These huge warehouse-style stores will carry everything that a bodybuilder could want; huge amounts of chicken breast, lots of milk and natural peanut butter, just to name a few.

Buy Food Close to Expiring

More often than not, grocery stores will have no choice but to throw out expired food that doesn’t sell. To avoid this, they will often put large discounts on food that is about to expire. If you are careful and buy food that is close to expiring, you can potentially save yourself tons of money. Just be sure to give whatever it is that you’re buying a good inspection before getting it; you wouldn’t want to get sick (although the likelihood of this happening is slim.)

Use Coupons

It doesn’t matter if you are buying a chicken breast at the local grocery store, or you are stocking up on whey protein isolate, both manufacturers and retailers love to use coupons to give their sales a kick start. Always be on the lookout for these coupons and discounts. If you are making an order online for some supplements, finding out if there is a coupon is just a simple Google search away. It isn’t uncommon for you to be able to quickly get 10 or more percent off of your order by entering a promotional code. You can also commonly find free shipping coupon codes for some online supplement stores.

Shop Around

This applies to everything; whether it is where you go to buy your pre-workout shakes, or where you want to get a gym membership, you will be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t do some research first by shopping around to see what your options are. Be sure that you are getting the most for your money, lots of equipment and amenities should be included if you are going to be paying an unusually high rate.

View the original article here

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